E-Portfolio contains collection of works, learning insights and things that accomplished in our daily interaction. It is designed to enhance and highlights student talents and skills in Statistics with the use of this technology innovation.
II. E-Portfolio Researched Samples
1. PowerPoint Presentations
2. Video for Demo Teaching
3. Resources/Links
4. Multimedia
5. Games
Twitter is not so much connecting with your friends, its about a broadcasting information. It is similar to instant messaging tool which should have a very different curve, with a larger proportion of users contributing to the number of overall tweets. It seems that twitters micropublishing component is winning over its chatting components...same as blog.
Statistics pervades our everyday lives as well as our working conditions. In fact, statistics is an integral part of what is known as the scientific method and forms of an intellectual basis for testing theories based on empirical studies. As a student, we need to know the basic knowledge in statistics to be able to make wise choices in everyday life. To be successful professional in the 21st century....it is almost essential.
( Reporter :Richard Agapay)
A measure of central tendency is simply an average or typical value in a set of scores wherein we know the basic ideas in solving mean, median and mode in ungrouped and grouped data. I'm so thankful with the skills of sir Richard in sharing us his expertise in solving in calculator and also with the use of Microsoft Excel.
(Reporter: Melvin Calixton)
The topic are concerned with describing a group of values in terms of the variability among the items included within the group. Several techniques such as the range, modified range, average deviation,variance and standard deviation was used. We are also task to make a frequency distribution and analyzed it.
(Reporter: Rosemarie Delos Reyes)
Regression analysis is a statistical methodology to estimate the relationship using a theoretical or an empirical model of a response variable to a set of predictor variables. I already knew the simplest relationship between the x and y and it is used to fit a straight line of the form y=a+bx to paired the data on (x,y). Correlation analysis assumes the relationship between the data given.
( Reporter: Clarence Baron)
Maam Clarence report focused on the characteristics of the normal curve, kurtosis and skewness. In her discussion I've learned a lot such as the normal probability plot is a graphical technique for normality testing: assessing whether or not a data set is approximately normally distributed. She also present as the areas and application of the normal curve.
(Reporter: Marmae Pilapil)
The sampling of a statistic is its probability distribution, obtained by considering how the statistic value varies in repeated samples drawn from the same population distribution. The sampling distribution of a statistic is useful for assessing the sampling error in the inferences based on that statistics about a population parameter.
(Reporter: Marites Agustin)
As we have studied in the previous reports, they are all about descriptive statistics and this reports we tackled here the concepts of inference.
Statistical inference deals with the methods for making statements about a population based on a sample drawn from that population. I learned formal aspects of estimation and hypothesis testing which use the methods of probability and sampling distributions to develop measures of statistical accuracy.
Z-Test and T-Test of Significance
( Reporter: Mary Laride)
The report focused on the illustration and steps of Z-test as well as the t-distribution and the application of t-test. Its hard for me to absorb, especially manual computation but I'm amazed when the presenter computed the data with the used of microsoft excel based on Dr. Ava procedure that has been written on her book...just in a minute that all answers viewed in the screen.
Analysis of Variance
(Repoter: Sheila Ancino)
The presenter discussed about the F-test and the analysis of variance...same with the previous reports it takes time for me to understand maybe because of I'm not particular with numbers but still I've learned from the reporter.
Factorial Analysis of Variance
( Reprter: Chellyn Mae Dalut)
The presenter focused on the two-way analysis of variance, steps in applying ANOVA and visual analysis of the interaction of factors. Same as usual, its not easy but with the aid of computer its just a minute that we can already sure that we've got the correct answers on our data..I'm so thankful with the expertised of the presenter.
Applications of Data
(Reporter: Renante Cerna)
The report focused on the applications of statistical test to the different data gathered. The presenter show his expertise in analyzing data..how, when and where to used it.